Below is a list of information that is helpful to include in your initial message to this firm:
- If the issue you are experiencing is related to wrongfully denied coverage (ex. residenital treatment center, inpatient treatment/hospitalization):
- The name of the company under which you or your family member is insured.
- A brief description of the service(s) received.
- The rationale(s) for denying coverage.
- The total amount of the denied claim(s).
- If the issue you are experiencing is related to disability benefits:
- The name of the company under which you or your family member is insured.
- A brief description of the disabling condition(s).
- The rationale for denying disability benefits, including if it is for short-term or long-term disability.
- Whether you have applied for Social Security disability benefits or not; and, if so, whether or not you were approved.
- If you have stopped working, the last date that you worked.
- Whether or not you are still employed; and, if so, if it is the same company and position or different.
- Your annual income before becoming disabled.
You can use the "Get Help Now" survey to inquire about obtaining representation. Including in your message, to the extent of your knowledge, the information listed above as well as any other details you find pertinent, will greatly assist us in determining if our firm is well versed with the issue(s) you are experiencing and subsequently our ability to represent you in the matter.