Allstate is Pressured to Produce Its McKinsey Documents
From the Kansas City Star comes this story about a Missouri trial court judge who has imposed a $25,000 daily fine on Allstate for stonewalling the plaintiff and the court on producing relevant documents in a pending case. The documents Allstate has been ordered to produce are the notorious McKinsey papers which outline advice Allstate received from renowned business consultants, McKinsey & Co., back in the 1990s about how to increase company profits. More on the McKinsey documents are here. In the pending Missouri case, the Supreme Court in that state recently upheld an order by the trial judge that the documents must be produced. Yet Allstate maintains its refusal to turn them over without a protective order that will prevent their disclosure to anyone but the plaintiff and his attorney. Since there is a fine accruing at $25,000 a day, the plaintiff might find it in his economic interest to hang tight and wait Allstate out. Trial is set for July.